Enroll in Swimsprout lessons


Enrollment for the 2025 swim season is open! If you have questions about lessons after reading through the information provided throughout this site, please contact me prior to enrolling your child. Reservation fee is non-refundable

  Prior to reserving a slot, please read the information regarding classes and fees here. Please select a session below.  NOTE:  Please block out 9 weeks (new student) or 5 weeks (refresher/strokes) for the session.  A typical session will not last quite that long, but this amount of time allows a schedule cushion for weather/illness related cancellations.  If you cannot block out the entire amount of time (no vacations or multiple schedule conflicts), please contact me PRIOR to reserving a time slot.  Reservation fee is non-refundable. Special note regarding 2025 Summer Session - There will be no lessons June 23 - 25. Makeup lessons for these three days will be given as follows:  regular schedule on Friday, June 27,  and two days of makeup lessons added onto the end of the session. Please make note and mark your calendar if you enroll your student in this session.  If you do not see a start date / time slot that will work for you, please contact me, as I am at times able to adjust the schedule. Thank you.
Spring Refresher Session04/21/202505/22/20250Closed
Summer Session (New and Refresher)06/02/202507/31/202513Select